Evolved since its inception, The Grassroots Institute has developed certain thematic competence areas. Our works – trainings, capacity building, research, field action, advocacy, publications and discourses – are performed within such thematic competence areas.
Focus Group: Natural Resources and Environment
- Agrobiodiversity Conservation
- Food Security and Sovereignty
- Ecologically Sustainable Agriculture
- Rangelands and Pastoralism
- Forest Stewardship and Parks-People Interface
- Biodiversity Law and Governance
- Environmental Governance
- Climate Change and Sustainability
- Water Resources Governance
- Integrated Nutrients Management
- Integrated Pest Management
- Community Natural Resource Management
- Organic Farming Methods
- Post Harvest Management of Organic Produce
- Community Watershed Development & Rainwater Harvesting
- ABS and Nagoya Protocol
Focus Group: Indigenous and Bio-Cultural Rights
- Indigenous Knowledge and Bio-Cultural Resources
- Forest Rights of Indigenous Communities
- Indigenous Law and Customary Rights
- Land Rights and Livelihoods
- Economic and Social Rights
- Advocacy on NTFP Issues
- Advocacy on People’s Rights and Entitlements
- People’s Access to Livelihood Resources
- Perspective Building on People-Centred Issues
- Documentation, Management & Protection of ITK
Focus Group: Grassroots Development and Advocacy
- Local Self-Governance
- Participatory Rural Development
- Local Livelihoods Development
- Local Governance and Accountability
- Communication Methods for Awareness & Education
- Assessment & Development of Organizational Capacities
- Lobbying and Policy Advocacy
- Logical Framework Analysis
- Case Study and Media Writing Skills
- Participatory Action Research
- Participatory Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation
- People-Centred Advocacy
- Process Writing and Documentation
- Project Cycle Management
- Project Planning and Writing
- Social Audit