Suietnov, Dr. Yevhenii
Dr. Yevhenii Suietnov is PhD in Law, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Environmental Law at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (NLU), Kharkiv, Ukraine. In 2009, he graduated from the NLU with a degree in Law and qualified as a lawyer. During 2009–2012, he studied for postgraduate studies at the Department of Environmental Law. In 2013, he defended his dissertation for the degree of PhD on the topic “Alienation of Land Plots for Public Needs and Public Necessity Motives”. In 2014, the topic of his doctoral dissertation was approved – “Ecosystem Approach to Legal Regulation of Environmental Relations in Ukraine: Problems of Implementation and Realization”.
From October 2012, he held the position of Assistant Professor, from October 2015 to May 2021 – Associate Professor, and from May 2021 to the present, he has been the Head of the Department of Environmental Law at the NLU. Dr. Yevhenii Suietnov has been teaching a course on Environmental Law, Legal Regulation of Environmental Security, International and European Environmental Law for more than 12 years. Co-author of several monographs, textbooks, study guides on various legal issues in the field of environmental protection, author of more than 120 scientific works. He actively organizes and participates in international and national scientific and practical conferences, round tables, seminars, meetings and forums held at the NLU and other higher education institutions.
He is member of the editorial board of three scientific journals: “Journal of Environmental Law & Policy” (Canada), “Administrative and Environmental Law Review” (Indonesia), “Environmental Law” (Ukraine). Member of the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine, the NGO All-Ukrainian Environmental League, and the Working Group on Improving the System of Environmental Education in Ukraine of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Environmental Policy and Nature Management. From February 2023 he is a participant of the programme ERASMUS2027, Key Action 2, CBHE “Unlocking the Transformative Potential of Ukrainian Universities towards Climate Neutral and Sustainable Cities – UniCities”.
Dr. Yevhenii Suietnov is constantly improving his professional skills as a scientist and teacher. In 2019, he took part in the international narrow-profile scientific and pedagogical internship for pedagogical and scientific staff of higher education institutions “Internationalization of Higher Education, Organization of the Educational Process and Innovative Teaching Methods in Polish Higher Education Institutions” at the Collegium Civitas University in Warsaw (Poland). In the academic years 2015–2016, 2019–2020, 2020–2021 and 2023, he participated in the NLU’s teacher training programme. He has a certificate in English FCE Council of Europe Level B2.
Department of Environmental Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Email: | ORCID:
Book/Chapter Published
The Ecosystem Approach in International Environmental Law before the Convention on Biological Diversity
Ecosystem Approach in Dealing with Invasive Alien Species: International, European and Ukrainian Experience of Legal Regulation