Khrushch, Dr. Olena
Dr. Olena Khrushch is an Associate Professor at the Department of General and Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. In 1995, she obtained a diploma with honours of the OKR "Specialist" with the assigned qualification of "Teacher of Primary Classes and Music" from Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Pedagogy, Precarpathian National University. In 1996, she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in "Psychology" with "Practical Psychologist” qualification from Precarpathian National University. In 1997, she graduated from Precarpathian National University, majoring in "Psychology" and received a diploma with honours, "Master of Psychology: Teacher of Psychological Disciplines". Ahead of time, in year 1999, she defended her PhD thesis on “Psychology” from G. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, Kyiv. Simultaneously, since 1997, she worked as an Assistant Professor at the Department of General and Experimental Psychology. In 2003, she was promoted to Associate Professor. Currently, she is with same Department with changed name of the Faculty (now the Faculty of Psychology). Thus, for last 25 years, she has been lecturing six courses: "General Psychology", "Child Psychology", "Personality Psychology", "Psychology of a Healthy Lifestyle", "Ethnic Psychology", and “Environmental Psychology”. In addition to the courses she is teaching, she has developed and conducted seminars and practical classes in various disciplines. Over these many years, she has written more than 120 scientific publications, chapters of 10 monographs, and many scientific publications in foreign language publications, included in the scientometric databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. Besides, she manages scientific works of students, in particular, writing coursework, bachelor's and master's theses. In 2021, she did a scientific internship at the Department of Psychology of Ivan Franko State Pedagogical Institute. As a dedicated scholar, she has taken part in a series of international conferences in the USA, Poland, Slovakia, Canada and Cuba. For several years, she served as the Deputy Head of the Department for International Cooperation and the Department of Career Guidance at the Precarpathian National University. Recently, she is honoured with the Award of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "For the Contribution of Youth to the Development of the State". Side by side the academic works, she is a private Consultant of Practical Psychology for Business Groups, apart from an entrepreneur herself. During the last 5 years, she is a member of Ukrainian Association of Family psychologist.
Department of General and Clinical Psychology, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. Email: | ORCID:
Book/Chapter Published
Psychological Discourse in Building the Environmental Consciousness in Special Context of Carpathian Mountains
Collective Ecological Consciousness from the Prism of Psychological Indicators
Psychological Effects of Russian War in Ukraine (Edited Book, 2024) [ISBN: 978-1-7778455-6-8]
Author's additional information