Unuigbe, Prof. Dr. Ngozi Finette

Prof. Dr. Ngozi F. Unuigbe is a specialist in International Environmental Law, Policy and Ethics with a research bias for the role of indigenous knowledge in environmental sustainability. She has been a key participant in United Nations working groups on Human Rights and the Environment; as well as a member of the technical review committee under the IUCN. She is a member of a number of professional bodies including the IUCN (Ethics Specialist Committee), the Earth Law Alliance and Global Ecological Integrity Group.

She was formerly an Environmental Policy Research Fellow at the United Nations University – Institute for natural Resources in Africa, Accra Ghana; and currently a Professor at the University of Benin, Nigeria.


Faculty of Law, University of Benin, 154, P.M.B., Ugbowo Lagos Rd, Benin City, Nigeria. Email: ngozistewart@yahoo.com, ngozi.stewart-unuigbe@uniben.edu

Book/Chapter Published

Legal Challenges Shaping Nigeria’s Energy Future (Co-Edited Book, 2024) [ISBN: 978-1-7778455-4-4]

Integrating Water, Energy, and Food Strategies: Impact on Malawi's Sustainable Development Goals Achievement

Author's additional information

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