Dr. Nataliia Shynkaruk is the head of the expert group on energy at the Government Office for Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. She has been awarded the Prime Minister of Ukraine D. Shmyhal's Commendation for significant personal contribution to ensuring the work of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, conscientious work, and high professionalism. Dr. Nataliia Shynkaruk's contribution to implementing reforms and aligning with European standards for the expedited full membership of Ukraine in the European Union has been recognized.
Dr. Nataliia Shynkaruk holds a degree in candidate of legal sciences (Doctor of Philosophy in Law) with a focus on administrative law and procedure; financial law; information law; a master's degree in law; a master's degree in finance; and a master's degree in philology (English and German languages). She graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv with a specialization in law; National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine with a specialization in finance; and National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine with a specialization in philology. She is also a translator and a lecturer of English and German.
Additionally, she has undergone further qualification in Germany at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences. Her initial significant research, conducted between 2012-2013, focused on the legal aspects of corporate reputation, exploring the discrepancies in the regulation of relations related to the corporate reputation of legal entities. The study highlighted the need for coordinated collision provisions to protect the violated rights of individuals in civil law and procedure. A subsequent area of research by Nataliia Shynkaruk is the civil-law protection of the corporate reputation of legal entities.
Based on the analysis of the views of leading scholars, Dr. Nataliia Shynkaruk formulated the fundamental characteristics of a legal entity and its activities, information encompassed by the concept of "business reputation," including the entity's ability or capacity to fulfil obligations or duties undertaken, the quality, completeness, and timeliness of performing obligations or functions, compliance with Ukrainian legislation, business relationships, the composition of the entity's employees, their professional knowledge, skills, and abilities, and the dynamic assessment of the entity and its activities.
Dr. Nataliia Shynkaruk wrote and defended a research plan characterized primarily by the persuasiveness of conclusions, objectivity, and the credibility of arguments, demonstrating its practical orientation. All theoretical propositions put forward in Nataliia Shynkaruk's research are well-balanced and convincing. To obtain the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Law (candidate of legal sciences) with a focus on administrative law and procedure, financial law, and information law, Dr. Nataliia Shynkaruk defended her research on the topic "Administrative-Legal Regulation of Relations in the Power Industry" in 2015.
One of the most crucial factors in the development of the economy of any sovereign state and a guarantee of its successful functioning is the fuel and energy complex. The development of the fuel and energy complex in Ukraine is a vital component of energy security and socio-economic development, exerting a decisive impact on the state of the economy and the standard of living of the population. Despite having sufficient generating capacity and a well-developed power transmission network, effective changes have not occurred in the energy sector of Ukraine since gaining independence. According to Dr. Nataliia Shynkaruk, this has resulted in a wide range of problems that hinder its development and require urgent resolution and the development of legal regulatory measures. The technical condition of the industry's infrastructure approached a critical point due to ineffective management, lack of working capital for enterprises, and insufficient investment in the sector, along with a high degree of equipment wear and technological backwardness.
Analyzing the legal regulatory measures implemented during Ukraine's independent period, Dr. Nataliia Shynkaruk notes their sluggishness and inefficiency. Ukraine's accession to the Treaty establishing the Energy Community, an association of European countries aiming to create a single European energy market, happened very late in her opinion. According to her, this measure should have stimulated the reform of the power industry in Ukraine, which began at the time of gaining independence. All these and many other problematic aspects prompt an examination of the concept of "electric power industry" from legal perspectives, an analysis of the legal regulation of relations in the field of electric power industry in Ukraine, identification of shortcomings, and the discovery of effective mechanisms for legal support in this sector of the economy.
Among the significant results of the scientific research, it can be noted that Dr. Nataliia Shynkaruk identified that administrative-legal regulation holds a special place in the functioning of the electric power industry through an imperative (directive) method of legal regulation. Administrative law norms organize, systematize, and improve relations in the sphere of production, transmission, distribution, supply, and use of electric power. Administrative-legal norms determine the legal status and competence of executive authorities, public administration bodies responsible for regulating relations in the electric power industry, regulate their activities, its forms and methods, and the order of relations with other subjects of management. In addition to her scientific activities, Dr. Nataliia Shynkaruk has conducted numerous training sessions, lectures, and practical sessions. She has taught various courses at universities. Her teaching philosophy is grounded in her life experience, believing that she imparts not only knowledge but also her practical experience and skills to the younger generation.
Her current areas of scientific and practical interests include a comprehensive analysis of the organizational principles of implementing state policy in the energy sector amidst the European and Euro-Atlantic course, highlighting the prerequisites for Eurointegration processes in the energy sector in Ukraine and Ukraine's international commitments to the EU regarding energy security. This also involves justifying the current state of Ukraine's compliance with international obligations in the energy sector and their impact on Ukraine's energy security, as well as the institutional and legal support for implementing commitments under the Association Agreement with the EU in the energy sector. She aims to determine the prospective directions for the development of legal support for Ukraine's energy security under the European and Euro-Atlantic course.
By the decree of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky dated November 30, 2022, No. 809/2022, Natalia Shynkaruk was awarded the President of Ukraine's Prize for Young Scientists in 2022 for outstanding scientific research contributing to the further development of domestic science, positively influencing societal progress, and affirming the high authority of science worldwide. The Committee for State Prizes of Ukraine in Science and Technology acknowledged the scientific work on the topic "Legal Support for Ukraine's Energy Security" (2022). The authors of this work became laureates of the President of Ukraine's Prize for Young Scientists:
Dr. Nataliia Shynkaruk is a highly professional expert with over 70 scientific and educational-methodical works, two scientific monographs, and five textbooks. Widely recognized in the scientific community, her works are actively referred to by young researchers, and her educational materials are used by masters and teachers in the educational process. Dr. Nataliia Shynkaruk actively addresses issues related to ensuring the quality of education and the structural reform of the higher education system in Ukraine. Her position is based on the approach that each country's higher education system should preserve national diversity, uniqueness, and achievements in education content and professional training. She advocates for introducing progressive approaches to organization, similar to those in other countries worldwide.
In September 2019, she was invited to work part-time at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine as an Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences. In a short time, she implemented numerous scientific and educational projects, delivered problem-oriented presentations to students, masters, and teachers, providing significant assistance to the university. Dr. Nataliia Shynkaruk is an experienced practitioner, an exceptionally goal-oriented and industrious person who always sets and achieves her goals, undeterred by challenges. As the head of the expert group on energy at the Government Office for Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, she is demanding of her subordinates and even more so of herself. She is guided by the popular wisdom that it is not the place that adorns a person, but the person that adorns the place. Her true human qualities are also recognized; she is always interested in the family circumstances of her subordinates and helps overcome any difficulties. As a person of progressive views, she approaches the resolution of any problems with high professionalism, earning respect from colleagues, friends, educators, and researchers.
Email: natalisch1003@gmail.com
Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=iozZpMEAAAAJ
Scopus Profile: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=58564170400
Web of Science Profile: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/41405151
Expert Group on Energy, Government Office for Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. Email: natalisch1003@gmail.com | ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4488-6240
Environmental Effects of Russian War in Ukraine (Co-Edited Book, 2024) [ISBN: 978-1-7778455-7-5]