Foyet, Ms. Metolo

Ms. Metolo Foyet is a human geographer and computational social scientist by training, with interest spanning across community conservation, human rights and grassroots movements, the wildlife economy, public policy and the role of arts and tech in shaping dynamics within these interdisciplinary fields. Particularly captivated by the digital geography of resistance, Metolo currently focuses her research on technology-media-movements complex (TMMC) dynamics and how the culture factor shapes institutional linkages between social media activism and indigenous-led movements in Southern Africa. Prior to specializing within conservation science, she spent over a decade working in rural development, social entrepreneurship, digital communications and cyber security. When she is not in rural areas contributing to community-based natural resource management (CBNRM), she paints, writes, and engages in sports or globe/cyber trotting to see the world as others do. Metolo holds a Bachelor degree in Politics and International Relations, a Master degree in Conflict, Peace, and Security, and is currently working towards a Ph.D. in Geography at the University of Florida.


Department of Geography, University of Florida, Turlington Hall, 3141, 330 Newell Dr, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA.
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Book/Chapter Published

Human Rights-Based Conservation: The Integral Role of Human Rights Director in the Conservation Sector

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