Environmental, Legal and Social Implications of Aggregate Extraction (Mining) Operations
Brief Details
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: TGI Books / The Grassroots Institute
  • Copyright: Tony Sevelka & The Grassroots Institute 2024
  • License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
  • Audience: Courts, Legal Scientists, Law Practitioners, Lawyers, Social Scientists, Policy Analysts, Natural Resource Managers, Government Ministries, Environmentalists, Non-Profit Organizations, Human Rights Advocates, Environmental Defenders, etc.
  • Keywords: Aggregate extraction; Mining operations; Environmental impact; Legal implications; Social consequences; Blasting quarry operations; Property value impacts; Flyrock safety; Lawsuits and complaints; Sustainable mining practices;
  • Funding: No funding
  • eBook:

Environmental, Legal and Social Implications of Aggregate Extraction (Mining) Operations

By: Tony Sevelka

Overview Chapters

About this book

Open Access

The book "Environmental, Legal and Social Implications of Aggregate Extraction (Mining) Operations" takes a comprehensive look at the multifaceted impact of mining activities on the environment, legal frameworks, and social dynamics. The narrative unfolds layer by layer, examining the intricate connections between aggregate extraction operations and their consequences.

Beginning with an introduction that sets the stage for the exploration ahead, the book addresses the environmental concerns associated with blasting quarry operations. It delves into issues of land use compatibility and potential impacts on property values, offering a detailed analysis of the complex relationship between mining activities and the surrounding landscape.

Legal dimensions take centre stage in subsequent chapters, shedding light on adverse and cumulative effects of blasting quarry operations. The book explores lawsuits and complaints arising from such activities, presenting a thorough examination of the legal battles that often ensue. Proposed remedies are also discussed, aiming to navigate the challenges posed by the intersection of mining and legal frameworks.

Safety considerations are highlighted in the discussion on preventing the potentially deadly consequences of flyrock. The book advocates for mandatory minimum setbacks and separation distances, addressing the need for proactive measures to ensure the safety of both workers and nearby communities.

Scientific aspects of mining operations are scrutinized in detail, particularly the reliability of flyrock throw calculations. The narrative points out the unscientific and unreliable nature of current methodologies, emphasizing the ongoing challenges in accurately predicting and mitigating the impacts of flyrock incidents.

Real-life cases add a human dimension to the exploration, with a focus on thirteen homeowners living near a blasting quarry. The book details their experiences, including buyouts initiated by quarry owners, providing a personal perspective on the social implications of mining activities.

A specific regional focus on Ontario brings attention to the sterilization of homeowners' land and the subsequent loss of property value. The book frames these occurrences as a de facto taking without compensation, raising ethical and legal questions about the toll of aggregate extraction on local communities.

In its conclusion, the book synthesizes insights from the preceding chapters, emphasizing the delicate balance required in aggregate extraction operations. It prompts reflection on the need to harmonize economic interests with environmental sustainability, legal compliance, and social well-being. "Environmental, Legal and Social Implications of Aggregate Extraction (Mining) Operations" serves as a thought-provoking and comprehensive exploration, offering readers a nuanced understanding of the challenges posed by mining activities and advocating for responsible practices in the industry.


  • Aggregate Extraction
  • Land Use Compatibility
  • Blasting Operations
  • Property Value Impacts
  • Mining
  • Adverse Effects
  • Quarry Operations
  • Legal Frameworks
  • Mining Lawsuits
  • Legal and Social Challenges
  • Safety Measures
  • Flyrock Prevention
  • Flyrock Throw Calculations
  • Real-Life Case Studies
  • Homeowners' Experiences
  • Compensation in Mining-Affected Communities
  • Sterilization of Land
  • Loss of Property Value
  • Ethical Considerations
  • Balancing Economic Interests
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Ontario's Mining Landscape
  • Sustainable Mining Practices


Tony Sevelka, Environmental, Legal and Social Implications of Aggregate Extraction (Mining) Operations (Montreal, Canada: TGI Books/ The Grassroots Institute, 2024), ISBN: 978-1-7778455-8-2. Doi: https://doi.org/10.33002/enrlaw-04

About the Author

Tony Sevelka

Table of Contents

Preface vii-x
Abbreviations xi-xiii
List of Tables and Figures xiv
Chapter 1 Introduction: Unearthing the Layers of Impact 1-10
Chapter 2 Blasting Quarry Operations: Land Use Compatibility Issues and Potential Property Value Impacts 11-116
Chapter 3 Blasting Quarry Operations: Adverse and Cumulative Effects, Lawsuits and Complaints, and Suggested Remedies 117-222
Chapter 4 Preventing the Potentially Deadly Consequences of Flyrock: Mandatory Minimum Setbacks and Separation Distances Required 223-282
Chapter 5 Flyrock Throw Calculations Unscientific and Unreliable – The “Hits” Just Keep on Coming 283-316
Chapter 6 Adverse Effects: Thirteen Homeowners Near A Blasting Quarry Bought Out By Quarry Owner 317-350
Chapter 7 Sterilization of Homeowners’ Land and Loss of Property Value Occasioned by Aggregate Extraction in Ontario: A De Facto Taking Without Compensation 351-394
Chapter 8 Conclusion: Balancing Acts in Aggregate Extraction 395-398
General Index A-H 399-406
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