Esteves, Ms. Carolina Franco

Ms. Carolina F. Esteves is a Biologist with a Master's in Biological Sciences, co-founder and researcher of the "Programa Amigos da Onça" at the Institute for the Conservation of Neotropical Carnivores (IPC). Expert in Ecology and Conservation Biology of medium and large mammals, particularly carnivores, actively addresses human-wildlife conflicts. Research fellow at the National Center for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Hazards (CEMADEN), contributing to the CEMADEN Education Program for the Network of Schools and Communities in Disaster Risk Prevention.


Institute for the Conservation of Neotropical Carnivores, Atibaia, SP, Brazil; National Center for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Hazards, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil.
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Book/Chapter Published

Jaguar and Puma in Brazilian Semi-Arid Region – Scapegoats for Weak Governance?

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