Prof. Dr. Anatoliy Pavlovych Getman is the Rector of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University of Ukraine. He is Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, and the State Prize of Ukraine Laureate.
Prof. Getman was born on July 18, 1958 in Zidki, Zmiiv district, Kharkiv region. He graduated from Kharkiv Law Institute (now – Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University) in 1983. During 1983-1986 he was a postgraduate researcher there. From 1986 he worked as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, deputy dean, and began his post-doctoral studies in 1992. From 1995 he worked as a head of the Department of Planning and Coordination of Legal Research, and from 1998 to 2001 – as a Chief Scientific Secretary of the Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine (now – the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine). In 2001-2007 Prof. Getrman was the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, from 2007 to 2020 –the Vice-Rector for Research. Since December, 2020 Prof. Getman has been working as the Rector of the Yaroslav the Wise National Law University.
Prof. Getman defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences (PhD) on the topic “Legal regulation of government agencies activities in the field of ecology” in 1986; and in 1995 – the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Legal Sciences on the topic “Environmental and procedural legal theory: problems of formation and development”. He was awarded the degree of Doctor of Legal Sciences in 1995; and the academic title of professor – in 1997. He was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine (now – the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine) in 2000, and became a full member (academician) in 2004.
His research areas include: environmental law methodology, environmental procedural law, environmental human rights, implementation of international standards in the national environmental legislation of Ukraine, land law.
Prof. Getman is a member of the editorial board of journals: “Problems of Legality”; “Bulletin of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine”, “Bulletin of the National Mediation and Conciliation Service”; “Environmental Bulletin of Ukraine”; “Forensic Medical Examination”; NLU Bulletin Series: Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Sociology, Political Science; NLU Series: Economic Theory and Law; NLU E-Collection “Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence”; Journal “Lawyer of Ukraine”; Editorial Board of International Scientific Journals of the SWorld Project, Journal “Sociology of Law”; a member of the Research Council of the legal journal “Law of Ukraine”.
Anatolii Getman is an author of about 350 research papers. Among them there are monographs, textbooks and manuals, comments on current legislation, in particular: “Procedural Norms and Relations in Environmental Law” (1994), “Introduction to Environmental Procedural Law Theory” (1998), “Environmental Control: Issues of Theory and Practice” (co-author, 1999),“Environmental Law of Ukraine: a Textbook” (co-author, 2001), “Land Code of Ukraine: Scientific and Practical Commentary” (co-author, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007) , “Regional Environmental Control: Theory of Legal Regulation” (co-author, 2004), “Environmental Law of Ukraine” (co-author, 2005, 2009, 2013), “Environmental Law of Ukraine in Questions and Answers” (2007), Scientific and Practical Commentary to: the Forest Code of Ukraine (2009), the Law of Ukraine “On Fauna” (co-author, 2010), the Law of Ukraine “On Atmospheric Air Protection” (co-author, 2011), the Code of Ukraine “On Subsoil” (co-author, 2012), “Legal Education in Modern Ukraine: a Monograph” (co-author, 2010), The Legal System of Ukraine: History, Current Situation and Prospects: in 5 vols. Vol.4. Methodological Principles of Environmental, Land, Agricultural and Business Law Development (Ukrainian – 2008; Russian – 2011; English – 2012); Legal System of Ukraine: History, Current Situation and Prospects: in 5 vols. Vol.4. Doctrinal Problems of Environmental, Agricultural and Business Law (co-author, 2013); A Contract as a Universal Legal Construction: a Monograph (co-author, 2012); Legal Regulation of Environmental, Agricultural and Land Relations in Ukraine: Current State and Ways of Improvement (co-author, 2012); Problems of Legal Responsibility: a Monograph (co-author, 2014); Legal protection of the Environment: Current State and Prospects of Development (co-author, 2014); Problems of Legal Support for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Ukraine: a Monograph (co-author, 2016); “The Great Ukrainian Legal Encyclopaedia: in 20 vols. Vol. 3: General Theory of Law” (co-author, 2017); Vol. 14: Environmental Law (co-author, 2019).
From 1998 Prof. Getman was a member, and from 2002 to 2007 a Chairman of the Expert Council on Legal Sciences of the High Attestation Commission of Ukraine, from 2014 – a Chairman of the Expert Council on Examination of Dissertations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on Legal Sciences, and since 2014 – Vice President of the Chess Federation of Ukraine.
Prof. Anatolii Getman is a Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology (2012); of Yaroslav Mudryi Prize (2003; 2009); St. Vladimir’s Prize for the best scientific and legal publication in Ukraine (2014); Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (2003); Honorary citizen of Kharkiv region (2017); awarded the Order of Merit of the 3rd degree (2013); the Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2009); the Diplomas of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration (2006, 2008), Kharkiv City Council (2008, 2013), Association of Local Self-Government Bodies of Kharkiv Region (2017); the honorary badge (Order) of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University of the 3rd degree (2015); Commemorative medal “10 years of the Ministry of Home Affairs of Ukraine” (2001); the award of the Ministry of Home Affairs of Ukraine “For supporting Ministry of Home Affairs of Ukraine” (2005, 2010); the award of the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine “Outstanding Lawyer of Ukraine” (2010, 2013); the Honorary Badge of the Ukrainian Section of the International Police Association (2011); MARTIS award “Golden Fortune” (2011, 2018); the badge “Distinction of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine” (2014); the jubilee memorial badge “90 Years of the National Academy of Home Affairs” (2015); the medal of the All-Ukrainian Association “Country” “25 years of independence of Ukraine” (2016); the Certificate of Excellence of the Oxford Club of Rectors of the leading universities of Europe in the category “Social Sciences” (2016); the diploma of the International Socrates Committee (Oxford, Great Britain) “Name of the Year – 2018” (2018); Vasyl Maslov scholar (in jurisprudence), Kharkiv Regional State Administration (2012); Honorary Professor of Zaporizhzhia National University (2014), the award of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine – Badge of Honour (2019).
Rector, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Pushkinska st.77, Kharkiv, Ukraine Email: | ORCID:
Advances in Environmental Law (Book Foreworded)
Legal Barriers in the Business and Trade of Biofertilizers and Biopesticides in Ukraine